The process of large format tripod based photography is a solace and a balm in a world where speed, quantity and convenience are everything. You bring the very basics of photography, (image geometry, depth of focus and film exposure) to a thoughtful, un-rushed and mindful consideration of your subject. An approach that brings you closer to the essential nature of photography and at the same time, closer to the essential nature of your subject.
Based upon a Hybrid workflow where image capture is on film and image production is digital, it takes full advantage of the strengths of each. Our workshops deal primarily with image capture on film. After the workshop your exposed film is developed, scanned, and uploaded to We Transfer for convenient access. The film sheets are also mailed and tracked to your home address. You are then free to further develop your images in the digital domain or via a wet darkroom or commercial lab.
Our workshop begins with hot coffee and an hour or so in the classroom where we go over the basic principles of image capture, and then familiarise ourselves with the equipment we will be using. You are provided with personalised lesson notes not only for the day ahead, but also for future reference.
Basic Principles covered as they apply to a Large Format Field Camera:
Basics of image formation, perspective, and depth of field.
Basics of film exposure, the Zone system, and use of a spot meter.
Bellows extension compensation and reciprocity law failure.
Basic movements of a Field camera, including use of lenses.
Loading film holders.

We then spend the rest of the day in the field visiting multiple locations, practising what we have learnt and making some great Large Format images. The tuition is always centred around and builds upon whatever it is that you bring to the workshop in terms of experience, knowledge and passion.

After the workshops end and back at base I load the film sheets into developing tanks. I then either develop and scan them that evening for next day collection, or they can be forwarded by Royal Mail Special Delivery.
The emphasis in these workshops is threefold: to show what lies at the root of the process of Large Format image capture and therefore at the root of all photographic practice; secondly, to save you time and expense. I have spent many years walking a variety of landscapes in all weathers with a tripod and camera over my shoulder and have learnt the hard way what is essential, what is superfluous, and how to make the most of my time in the field; finally, to suggest that there is something in the process of using a Field Camera that calms the spirit, clears the mind and positively encourages emotional response.
All equipment required is provided and is perfectly suited to our needs; the Intrepid Camera Company (Brighton) makes super-lightweight but robust Field Cameras. I have modified the 5x4 to take lenses longer than 300mm. The lens set detailed comfortably covers 10x8 but consequently also offers fantastic quality at 5x4 using the very centre of the image circle and allowing extensive movements. We are also able to make panoramic images using specially modified dark slides that allow 2 exposures per sheet of film, the long dimension retained. Therefore 5x4 sheets allow 2 exposures of 5'x2' (128mm x 51mm), the 10x8 2 exposures of 10'x4' (256mm x 102mm).
5x4 Intrepid Cameras modified for 600mm FujinonT lens.
10x8 Intrepid Field Cameras.
10x8 to 5x4 reducing back
90mm f8 (Super-Angulon)
120mm f8 (Nikkor-SW)
165mm f8 (Super-Angulon)
210mm f5.6 (Fujinon-W)
305mm f9 (G-Claron)
480mm f11 (Apo-Artar)
600mm f12 (Fujinon-T)
Manfrotto tripods with Gitzo heads.
Pentax V spotmeters.
Film holders, Dark cloths, Lee Filters etc
Included in the 5x4 workshop price are 4 sheets of 5x4 film, b&w or colour transparency. All processing and scanning costs. Protective sleeves for processed film. Extra sheets of 5x4 or 120 film can be purchased on the day.
Price - 1 person - £295
Price - 2 people - £395
Included in the 10x8 workshop are 2 sheets of 10x8 film (b&w or colour transparency). All processing and scanning costs. Protective sleeves for processed film. Extra sheets of 10x8 film can be purchased on the day.
Price - 1 person - £350
Price - 2 people - £495